Paul Reed Smith
PRS 25th Anniversary Amp Head with 67/68 Mod Used
Very rare PRS amp. Modeled after particularly sweet, tight and gainy 68 Plexi axend a more open and slightly saggy 67 Plexi, this amp gives you the best of both in a rock solid modern hand-wired platform. Unique control set for treble gain, bass gain, treble, middle, bass, presence and master. Custom made Cinemag Transformers spec'ed to perform just like the originals. Powered by EL 34s, hand-wired and military specs board give you that Plexi British Hallmark Sound. 50 Watts and Attenuator ('Master') assure you plenty of headroom and breakup at any sound levels.
This amp took 2 years to develop and design. This particular unit was purchased at NAMM. It is signed by Doug Sewell and Paul Reed Smith.